J.R. born in 1986

Circular bridges

Patient J.R. born in 1986, comes as a pregnant woman in the office to repair the teeth in the upper jaw that are aesthetically and functionally were completely unusable. Solo Old metal ceramic crowns have begun to move and created increasing gaps between the teeth. Several roots of teeth, carious lesions on individual teeth hampered patient smile and normal speech. In talks with us constantly kept her hand over her mouth. In order not to see the teeth.

She noted a “huge fear” of dentists who “completely blocked”, so our approach primarily have to be friendly with the understanding. She also mentioned that because of “the baby she carries in her stomach feels courage. Because of this courage is ready to brighten her life. ” The first thing we did-we served her coffee.

After making a detailed treatment plan and explain the entire procedure we started intervening with mandatory use of anesthetics.
It should be noted that we always try our best to not hurt while working, but it is also important to know that all people have different thresholds of pain. It happened to us that we know the grandmother who extracted a tooth without anesthesia, without flinch. It also happened to us that the presence of the white coat beside a chair requires the strongest anesthesia.

Friendly individual approach for each patient this clinic stands out. We always take care of that.

We did a root canal treatment and preparation of the tooth to be carriers of the bridge, the impression was taken and made-arch bridge of 12 metal ceramic crowns in the upper jaw.

After that, totally without a plan, the patient was given courage. She decided to take a lower-arch bridge.

The smile was perfect again, beautiful, white, natural.

She was born a baby, nice and chubby! Only she knows how her mother was brave.

Congratulations Jelena!

If you have a similar problem, you can contact us.
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