S.B. born in 1988

Upper circular bridge

The patient SB born in 1988 is due to the lack of a large number of lateral teeth in the upper jaw. Some teeth in the front region had carious lesions, of which the upper left lateral incisor occurred fractures of teeth in the gingival third. The tooth was indicated for extraction.

The remaining teeth in the lateral region had large fillings, and after removal of these fillings was necessary to cure teeth and prepare them for prosthetics. The patient did not have a good genetic quality of the teeth and complained that many times unsuccessfully went to the dentist and constantly suffered pain. At that moment, we paid attention further, so all visit last in a pleasant atmosphere without pain.

Due to the large number of abutment teeth and a large number of teeth cured we opted for two semicircular metalloceramic bridge. We tried to follow the old look of the front teeth with minor modifications. The patient insisted on it because they are all accustomed to this form of her teeth.

At the end we got a very nice smile and a satisfied patient.

If you do not have good teeth genetic you can contact us.