M.M. born in 1985

The patient MM born in 1985, comes in the dental clinic because of pain in her upper jaw on the right side. Based on the panoramic image which is made all the teeth we noticed metalloceramic dental bridge of 4 crowns, with two crowns were hanging at the ends of the bridge.

Very unusual therapeutic decisions due to trauma has led to the appearance of cysts on the right upper second premolar. Cysts soon became active and painful, and purulent collections made itself a channel through the bone and soft tissue, in the form of fistula. The teeth with this purulent process could not survive in the patient’s mouth. It is necessary that the patient drinks the antibiotic so that we remove the tooth.

Another problem was the aesthetic, because the natural tooth color was darker and had a composite restorations on a number of teeth. Since it is supposed to solve the problem of empty space after extracted tooth, the patient decided to do a complete aesthetics in the upper jaw.

The shape of natural teeth was good, and we did the patient teeth of identical form, but in a few shades lighter in color. Even after setting a complete circular all ceramic bridge of 15 crowns patient was pleased with the results. The pain disappeared. Aesthetics was very high quality.

If you have a similar problem we can help.