Ideal replacement of one, more or all teeth


Aesthetic "invisible" braces

Quick and easy to perfect teeth


to a PERFECT smile

Invisible teeth correction

without BRACES

All on 4

Complete Implant Prosthetics

Forget about total dentures and missing teeth

Dentures with Attachments

Comfort, stability, aesthetics

CONCEPT ALL ON 4 (Pro Arch | Revitalize)

Concept All on 4 (Pro Arch or Revitalize) presents a minimal invasive prosthodontic solution with completely fixed teeth arch, ideal for patients with no teeth.

The teeth arch is being fixed by 4 screw retained MULTI-UNIT ABUTMENTS connected with 4 implants which are being placed by special technique required for this concept.

Is this a prosthodontic solution for me?

This kind of modern prosthodontic solution is ideal for:

patients with no teeth

patients who have only a few teeth left on the side (3-4)

patients who should have all of their teeth extracted

patients who would not choose a denture

Of course, it is also necessary that the 3D scan shows enough amount of bone structure for implants to be placed.

All on 4

What is a first thing for me to do and where do I start from?

The most important thing for patient is to do a 3D scan and to bring it to our dental clinic for further analysis. After that, our competent team of dentists will do a full analysis of bone structure in both jaws and present the best quality prosthodontic solution for the patient. The patient will be informed in details about all the aspects of the intervention, time frame, financial aspects and introduced with MULTI-UNIT SYSTEM which presents a REVOLUTION in the world of prosthodontics on implants.


MULTI-UNIT ABUTMENT is a fabricated 3D printed bonding element which connects your implants and prosthodontic restoration. This kind of abutment fits ideally on the implant, and is screw retained with the implant. It is fabricated in 3 forms:


Ravni multiunit all on 6

Slight 15 degrees

Kosi multiunit 15 stepeni

Slight 30 degrees

Kosi multiunit 30 stepeni
all on 6 multi-unit

For this kind of prosthodontic restoration 2 flat and 2 slight MULTI-UNIT ABUTMENTS with 30 degrees angle are most commonly used, and why is this the case we will explain further below.

MULTI-UNIT ABUTMENT is composed of two screws. One is connected to the implant and the other one to the prosthodontic restoration.  With changes in angle for 30 ̊ it is possible to correct the position of placed implant and properly plan the aesthetics of prosthodontic restoration. The screw which fixates the prosthodontic restoration must not affect aesthetics of prosthodontic restoration, no matter if it is a temporary of final prosthodontic restoration we are talking about.

This concept requires a greater length of implants, between 13 and 16 mm and positioning of the implants in angle of 45 ̊ from jaw bone. This way the active surface of the implant in the bone is drastically increased, which substantially increases the durability of the future prosthodontic restoration and the quality of the implants in the bone. MULTI-UNIT ABUTMENTS 30 ̊ are almost always used for this kind of prosthodontic restoration.

Temporary and final prosthodontic restoration?


    There are several factors that can indicate if it is possible for implants to hold a TEMPORARY PROSTHODONTIC RESTORATION right after their placement.  With the help of special device Penguin RFA we measure the stability of the implant when the placement is finished. Each value over 70 would provide enough stability for the implant to bear the pressure of prosthodontic restoration right after the placement.  The stability ratio scale goes from 1 to 99.

    You have an old denture?

    If the patient has no teeth for a long time and has a complete denture that he has been wearing for a while, through MULTI-UNIT ABUTMENTS it is possible to bond the denture with 4 implants that have the best stability ratio. This way the denture is completely fixed on the implants and all 4 implants equally carry the pressure, which is very important from the aspect of preserving the implant in the bone, as well as the bone structure.

    If the patient is having his first denture, after the placement of the implants, it is also possible for this partial denture to be connected with implants through MULTI-UNIT ABUTMENTS 30̊ . This kind of connection of the prosthodontic restoration with implants is perfect, there is no tension and pressure on the implants, which is very important.

all on 6 privremena proteza

    FINAL PROSTHODONTIC RESTORATION includes screw retained ceramic bridge, which is highly precise, technically very demanding but at the same time the best prosthodontic solution. The advice is to wait at least 4-6 months for the upper jaw and 3-4 months for the lower jaw, which depends mostly on the implant stability.

How many appointments do I need, will it hurt and how long it takes for everything to be done?

The following example is given as an explanation which will help you understand the whole procedure as well time necessary for everything to be done.

The example patient does not have a denture and has a few of his teeth which need to be extracted and replaced with implants.


Visit 1

On the first appointment the patient brings a 3D scan, meets the team of dentists and gets detailed information about everything he wants to know regarding the procedure. After the analysis of 3D scan and confirming that there is enough space in the bone structure for Concept All-on-4 / Pro Arch / Revitalize, we take a dental impression of both jaws for temporary denture. This procedure is very simple and does not last long.  After this, we arrange with the patient the next appointment for implant placement, which is usually in 2-3 days. This is how long it takes dental technicians to make a temporary denture.

3d ortopan

Visit 2

During the second visit, we must extract the teeth (if patient has any) and then place 6 implants. The implant placement, with use of 4% anesthesia is absolutely painless procedure. It takes 30 minutes to complete the one implant placement procedure.

With the high precision Penguin RFA device we will check the stability of all placed implants, and if the implants show the stability ratio higher than 70, then they can primarily bear the pressure of the temporary prosthodontic restoration.

MULTI-UNIT ABUTMENTS are placed in implants and this way they will be connected with temporary prosthodontic restoration. In 2-3 days the patient will get fixed screw retained temporary restoration. The patient can wear this restoration for 3-6 months minimum, but even longer.

If the implants do not have enough stability, the patient gets temporary denture with no pressure on implants.

Pingvin RFA

Visit 3

In the third visit which will be appointed in 7 days from the day of implants placement, the temporary prosthodontic restoration will be removed just for removal of stitches.

Total time for PHASE ONE is 7-10 days

all on 6 multi-unit


Visit 1

After 4-6 months for the upper and 3-4 months for the lower jaw, the patient is coming to do a FINAL PROSTHODONTIC RESTORATION. In this phase it is necessary to release two implants which were not activated in the phase ONE and activate them with two screw retained MULTI-UNIT ABUTMENTS. Only after all MULTI-UNIT ABUTMENTS clearly define the path of the screw which retains the final prosthodontic restoration, we can proceed with anatomic impression for making of individual dental impression tray that will show us the actual state in the mouth of a patient.

otisak otvorena kasika

Visit 2

After 2 days we take the impression for FINAL PROSTHODONTIC RESTORATION. The method of taking impression, used for such complex restoration is exclusively with open dental impression tray, which gives us the highest precision. OUR DENTAL CLINIC exclusively uses MULTI-UNIT ABUTMENT SYSTEMS on screw retained ceramic bridges placed with implants.  This kind of restorations require special parts that our dental clinic owns, such as transfers for multi-unit with special screws, analogs for multi-unit, titanium temporary cylinders and many more.

3d printing

Visit 3

After 3 days, we make another appointment, which presents may be the most important visit of the whole treatment.  This is when we do a tryout of the ceramic bridge, that our laboratory technicians made based on the dental impression we have sent them.  It is important to outline that our restorations, if they are metal screw retained bridges are not being cast in the furnace, but exclusively 3D printed. Being cast in furnace may lead to greater errors due to deformities of the material.

The ideal tryout is when the screw retained bridge is passively placed on MULTI-UNIT ABUTMENTS. After this, it is necessary to determine the height, the color and shape of future ceramic teeth.

Visit 4

This visit is appointed after 2-3 days, and this is the visit that every patient is very much looking forward to, because he will finally get the FINAL PROSTHODONTIC RESTORATION, and end the long journey from being a patient with no teeth to the patient who has all his teeth. The aesthetics of this kind of restoration is impeccable.

Total time for PHASE TWO is 10-12 days.

All on 4

Price All On 4 | Pro Arch | Revitalize

All on 4 - Neodent 4470 €
All on 4 - Straumann 5710 €
WP DataTables

Advantages? Disadvantages?

It is very easy to get used to it and the feeling that you do not have a denture and no contact on your palate is fantastic.  For the appropriate oral hygiene, the best results are achieved by using Waterpick oral irrigator which ensures a thorough cleaning under pressure. The aesthetic is perfect and prosthodontic restoration is fixed. The patient cannot remove it on his own, without the dentist.

There are barely any disadvantages, you just need to pay more attention to your oral hygiene. It is necessary to make an appointment at least once a year, so that prosthodontic restoration can be taken off, to check the implants and their stability and then placed back. This kind of restoration in dentistry is the most complex one, but it gives the patient a maximum comfort.